Project D - Biomarker

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Tanja Schwerdtle

Institute of Nutritional Science; University of Potsdam

In Project D the biopsies from the family study and the intervention study will be analyzed under the supervision of Prof. Schwerdtle (University of Potsdam). The plan is to identify biomarkers, which a) register the intake of certain foods, respectively food constituents (exposition biomarkers) and b) indicate either a health effect or a later possible disease (effect biomarkers). Prof. Schwerdtle, Prof. Kleuser and other researches from The Institute of Nutritional Science and The Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology have been studying the effect of nutrition on the human organism, including the analysis and interpretation of biomarkers and epigenetic markers for serval years. The focus of research is biomarkers responsible for aging, lipid biomarkers and epigenetic biomarkers. The Dife is supporting the research and will help to identify biomarkers responsible for aging (Prof. Grune) and microbial biomarkers (Prof. Blaut). Due to the proximity of both institutes optimal coordination and information flows is given.