NutriAct Office

The coordination of the cluster is through the NutriAct office, which is located at the German Institute for Nutrition Research Potsdam-Rehbrücke, but operates independently. The office is the central point of contact for the speaker, the members of the executive committee, the scientific advisory board and the project sponsor (DLR-PT) and coordinates the activities within the cluster. The office works closely with the innovation office.


  • Coordination and communication
  • Public relations and organization of events
  • Promoting young talents
  • Promoting cooperation between business and scientific partners
  • Promoting business-related knowledge and technology transfer

If you have questions regarding the research projects, events and/or would like to know more about NutriAct, contact us.


© S.-C. Ruprecht/DIfE

Dr. Ulrike Bernhardt
– Cluster Coordinator –

c/o German Institute of Human Nutrition
Potsdam-Rehbrücke (DIfE)
Arthur-Scheunert-Allee 114 – 116
14558 Nuthetal
